Thursday, April 29, 2010
VDARE is in Trouble…Again, and It Needs Your Help
[Originally published on April 10, 2010.]
I was just sitting down to revise and finally publish a fundraising letter on my own behalf, when I got an e-mail with the subject line, “PERSONAL AND CONFIDENTIAL.” Spam, right? Phishing? But it said that it was from Peter Brimelow, of all people. Had some phisher gotten into Peter’s address book? Sadly, no. It was from Peter, and the news was bad.
I’ll spare you the particulars, but the message was that one of VDARE’s biggest sponsors had just cut its funding, after it had repeatedly promised that the money was on the way. And the reason was not fiscal problems, but pure treachery and wickedness. (I’m going to hold off on reporting on the particulars, until I get a chance to talk to Peter.)
After Steve Sailer’s Sunday column runs, the site will be limited to a crisis appeal, until we can raise enough money to go on. Thus I am imploring you, if you have sufficient income, to go to this page, and give whatever you can! is sponsored by the VDARE Foundation, a 501(c)(3) organization, so that your donation is tax-deductible.
So as not to give the impression that I am doing this entirely out of altruism, Peter is sitting on a blockbuster, 6,700-word manuscript of mine on the wave of campus hate crime hoaxes that hit colleges in six states, but most dramatically in California, particularly at UC San Diego. I spent over five weeks on the project, researching, chasing after people on the telephone, and working over the draft more than 200 times. But that’s what big-time journalism requires. Thus, if you make a donation, please let Peter know that you want to see my race hoax article in print, pronto. (Having studied so many racist black extortionists, their methods are beginning to rub off on me!)
I’ve already made the best arguments I know of as to why you should support VDARE in previous fundraising letters, and over the next few days, I am going run a marathon of them, but I am going to slightly revise some of those arguments here.
Sometime during the past year, an otherwise brilliant writer and patriot criticized my fundraising campaign for VDARE, arguing that people should instead give to patriotic immigration reform Group X.
Folks, if we’re down to choosing to support one patriotic group alone, in a zero-sum game, the country’s finished. There is no way that one lonely group can carry the ball to the finish line. It would get gang-tackled long before reaching the goal line.
Saving America requires not fewer patriotic groups, but many more of them. But at the moment, I’m concerned with saving VDARE.
This man

just succeeded in ramming through the health care bill which, if it cannot be stopped at some level (the courts, civil disobedience, etc.) may ultimately prove to be the most economically destructive piece of legislation in American history. It will destroy the health-care industry, take what’s left of America’s economy down with it, and cause chaos.
He did it, because he is a devotee of BLT. Not bacon, lettuce, and tomato sandwiches, but Black Liberation Theology, whose founder and chief propagandist, James H. Cone (whose follower Jeremiah Wright is), teaches that
“Black theology will accept only a love of God which participates in the destruction of the white enemy.”
We’re in Mugabe territory here, folks.
As such, he seeks to rob whites of all of their assets—whether through ruinous taxation or deliberately induced inflation—and then kill them all.
Some people will say that I am hysterical and paranoid. But I am not the one who sat in the pews for over 20 years, listening to genocidal Jeremiah Wright rant and rave about white people; saying, among other things, that white doctors had injected black men with the AIDS virus; saying of the world’s most generous racial group, “White folks’ greed runs a world in need”; who had Wright marry him and his bride; christen his children; who subjected his children to years of such child abuse; and who donated tens of thousands of dollars to Wright. Who, then, is being hysterical and paranoid? And who is sleepwalking toward his own destruction?
To see what the John Doe calling himself “Barack Obama” has in store for whites, just look to South Africa and Zimbabwe.
“Obama” has no intention of ever voluntarily relinquishing power. He foresees his wife and children inheriting his dictatorship.
“Obama” is already planning on taking over the Internet, and arresting his critics for engaging in constitutionally-protected speech, which his bumbling, constitutionally illiterate attorney general, Eric Holder, defines as “hate speech”; amnestying up to 30 million illegals; and inviting and airlifting in scores of millions more of the world’s most dysfunctional peoples.
In February, terrorists succeeded, with Holder’s blessing, in using death threats against hotel personnel, to shut down the American Renaissance conference.
“Obama’s” operatives’ most recent success was the “racist Tea Partiers” media hoax.
If VDARE dies, that will be yet one more victory for “Obama,” giving him that much more momentum, and leaving patriots that much more discouraged, disorganized, lacking in necessary intelligence, their voice that much weaker.
And today brought such good news! My VDARE colleague, Joe Guzzardi reported, “Mohawk Industries Settles RICO Illegal Aliens Class Action, Must Pay $18 Million to American Workers!”
Please give to VDARE, and send this letter to everyone on your mailing list. I thank you, and your posterity will, too.
Nicholas Stix
Friday, April 23, 2010
What Does a Drunken Sailor Do?
[My friend Mike Berman just sent this along.]
Objection from a former sailor
To the Editor:
I object and take exception to everyone saying that Obama and Congress are spending money like a drunken sailor. As a former drunken sailor, I quit when when I ran out of money.
Bruce L. Hargraves
USN Retired
Northern Wyoming Daily News, Worland, WY, April 2, 2010.
[My friend Mike Berman just sent this along.]
Objection from a former sailor
To the Editor:
I object and take exception to everyone saying that Obama and Congress are spending money like a drunken sailor. As a former drunken sailor, I quit when when I ran out of money.
Bruce L. Hargraves
USN Retired
Northern Wyoming Daily News, Worland, WY, April 2, 2010.
Saturday, April 10, 2010
The New York Mets and Oliver Perez
The Omar Minaya Saga, Part III
By Nicholas Stix
5:18 a.m., April 6, 2010.
Updated at 9:53 a.m., on Thursday, April 8, 2010.
Mets GM Omar Minaya, last July 27.
Part I: "Is Mets GM Omar Minaya Baseball's Answer to Soledad O'Brien?"
Part II: "Knees"
On April 5, Josh Alper wrote,
Mets lefty head-case Oliver Perez had one very good—by today’s lowered standards— season in 2007, going 15-10, with a 3.56 ERA. After he struggled to go 10-7/4.22 in 2008, Mets General Manager Omar Minaya rewarded him with a guaranteed $36 million, three-year contract. And this was one year after Minaya had awarded an insane four-year, $25 million contract to aging, gimpy second baseman, Luis Castillo. At that point, Perez had a lifetime record of 55-60, and promptly had a baseball meltdown, going 3-4/6.82 in 2009.
Oliver Perez on the mound.
Perez was walking hitters around the bases, yet he had the nerve to respond to reporters, “Walks are part of the game.”
And when he was first put on the disabled list last season, I’m sure I wasn’t the only Mets fan who wondered (wrongly, as it turned out) whether the team wasn’t benching a physically fit player, in order to save face. But hale or hurt, Perez’ mechanics and head are both wrecks, and his lousy performance in 2009 cannot simply be chalked up to his having been hurt.
Rick Peterson talking to Mets reliever Aaron Heilman, May 14, 2008.
The one excellent year Perez had, owed much to the ministrations of pitching guru Rick Peterson, under whose tutelage that same season right-hander John Maine also had a career year (15-10/3.91). Minaya’s right-hand man, out-of-control, Hispanic chauvinist Tony Bernazard, responded by successfully campaigning behind Peterson’s back to get him fired.
Mets son-in-chief Jeff Wilpon (L) and V.P. for Minor League Player Development, Tony Bernazard (R).
Since then, the team’s starting pitching has been in free fall, racking up injuries. In 2007, the team’s front four starters—Maine and Perez, and 41-year-old Tom Glavine and the equally geriatric Orlando Hernandez (a Cuban who, at the outset of his American career, shaved at least eight years off his age), racked up 119 starts. By contrast, their 2009 counterparts, Johan Santana, Mike Pelfrey, Livan Hernandez (Orlando’s younger brother), and castaway Tim Redding, managed only 96 starts.
A $12 Million Fifth Starter?
Perez is presently the team’s fifth starter, a position typically held by rookies making the minimum, or bargain-basement journeymen picked up off the scrap heap (see Redding, Tim).
But who knows if he can even pitch? A week ago, Mets skipper Jerry Manuel suggested that Perez might be in a “dead arm period.” A pitcher who has never thrown even 200 innings in a season? He hasn’t earned the right to suffer from a dead arm!
On February 4, 2009, long before Perez hurt his right knee, baseball money blogger “devil fingers” (aka Matt Klaassen) had estimated, based on Perez’ career stats, that Minaya had overpaid him by at least 44 ($11M), and as much as 82.8 percent ($16.3M), depending on which metric one uses.
Between Perez and Luis Castillo ($19 million overpaid), that’s $30 million-35 million Minaya wasted, enough to sign a top second baseman and a quality starting pitcher for two years each.
On June 12, Luis Castillo, whose real age is classified, drops a would-be game-ending pop-up against the Yankees, thereby converting an 8-7 Mets victory, into a 9-8 Yankees victory.
Perez’ dead-ender apologists still talk about him needing “experience,” in order to “mature.” Given that he’ll be turning 29 in August, does that
mean he’ll be a mature pitcher when he’s 40?
In the damning-with-faint-praise department, notwithstanding the broken English he speaks after 11 years in the country, Perez is not a total waste of space. Not only does he have the best stuff on the staff, including—when he’s right, as he was in 2007—one of the game’s great, late-breaking sliders, but last season he was the team’s best-hitting pitcher. After hitting a ground ball, he’d bust it down the first-base line, as if his life depended on it. (That’s also why I know that he was pitching lousy while healthy, as well as when he was hurt.)
Last fall, apparently, someone whispered something in Omar Minaya’s ear, leading to the Jason Bay signing. Maybe it was, “Remember what happened to Tony Bernazard?,”, whom Minaya threw under the bus July 27, in order to save his own job.
Slugging left fielder Jason Bay.
Back to Josh Alper:
Mets skipper Jerry Manuel: Dead man walking?
That lack of purpose is spelled “O-m-a-r M-i-n-a-y-a.” And yet, New York’s shamelessly Hispandering MSM has decided to bail out Minaya. Using as a pretext the flashes of talent some Mets farmhands showed in spring training, local sports writers and news readers have pardoned Minaya for his years-long mishandling of the team’s farm system, put Mets skipper Jerry Manuel on the hot seat, and fully expect—and evidently want—him to take the fall for Minaya.
The Omar Minaya Saga, Part III
By Nicholas Stix
5:18 a.m., April 6, 2010.
Updated at 9:53 a.m., on Thursday, April 8, 2010.

Part I: "Is Mets GM Omar Minaya Baseball's Answer to Soledad O'Brien?"
Part II: "Knees"
On April 5, Josh Alper wrote,
When the Mets take the field against the Marlins this Opening Day, the sun will be shining and Johan Santana will be on the hill. You don't need much more than that to feel hopeful about the season that's about to unfold even if there will be plenty of days with clouds and Oliver Perez in the weeks and months to come.
Division Envy Greets the Mets at Every Turn: Even the Nationals give reason for jealousy by Josh Alper, NBC New York, April 5, 2010.
Mets lefty head-case Oliver Perez had one very good—by today’s lowered standards— season in 2007, going 15-10, with a 3.56 ERA. After he struggled to go 10-7/4.22 in 2008, Mets General Manager Omar Minaya rewarded him with a guaranteed $36 million, three-year contract. And this was one year after Minaya had awarded an insane four-year, $25 million contract to aging, gimpy second baseman, Luis Castillo. At that point, Perez had a lifetime record of 55-60, and promptly had a baseball meltdown, going 3-4/6.82 in 2009.

Perez was walking hitters around the bases, yet he had the nerve to respond to reporters, “Walks are part of the game.”
And when he was first put on the disabled list last season, I’m sure I wasn’t the only Mets fan who wondered (wrongly, as it turned out) whether the team wasn’t benching a physically fit player, in order to save face. But hale or hurt, Perez’ mechanics and head are both wrecks, and his lousy performance in 2009 cannot simply be chalked up to his having been hurt.

The one excellent year Perez had, owed much to the ministrations of pitching guru Rick Peterson, under whose tutelage that same season right-hander John Maine also had a career year (15-10/3.91). Minaya’s right-hand man, out-of-control, Hispanic chauvinist Tony Bernazard, responded by successfully campaigning behind Peterson’s back to get him fired.

Since then, the team’s starting pitching has been in free fall, racking up injuries. In 2007, the team’s front four starters—Maine and Perez, and 41-year-old Tom Glavine and the equally geriatric Orlando Hernandez (a Cuban who, at the outset of his American career, shaved at least eight years off his age), racked up 119 starts. By contrast, their 2009 counterparts, Johan Santana, Mike Pelfrey, Livan Hernandez (Orlando’s younger brother), and castaway Tim Redding, managed only 96 starts.
A $12 Million Fifth Starter?
Perez is presently the team’s fifth starter, a position typically held by rookies making the minimum, or bargain-basement journeymen picked up off the scrap heap (see Redding, Tim).
But who knows if he can even pitch? A week ago, Mets skipper Jerry Manuel suggested that Perez might be in a “dead arm period.” A pitcher who has never thrown even 200 innings in a season? He hasn’t earned the right to suffer from a dead arm!
On February 4, 2009, long before Perez hurt his right knee, baseball money blogger “devil fingers” (aka Matt Klaassen) had estimated, based on Perez’ career stats, that Minaya had overpaid him by at least 44 ($11M), and as much as 82.8 percent ($16.3M), depending on which metric one uses.
Between Perez and Luis Castillo ($19 million overpaid), that’s $30 million-35 million Minaya wasted, enough to sign a top second baseman and a quality starting pitcher for two years each.

Perez’ dead-ender apologists still talk about him needing “experience,” in order to “mature.” Given that he’ll be turning 29 in August, does that
mean he’ll be a mature pitcher when he’s 40?
In the damning-with-faint-praise department, notwithstanding the broken English he speaks after 11 years in the country, Perez is not a total waste of space. Not only does he have the best stuff on the staff, including—when he’s right, as he was in 2007—one of the game’s great, late-breaking sliders, but last season he was the team’s best-hitting pitcher. After hitting a ground ball, he’d bust it down the first-base line, as if his life depended on it. (That’s also why I know that he was pitching lousy while healthy, as well as when he was hurt.)
Last fall, apparently, someone whispered something in Omar Minaya’s ear, leading to the Jason Bay signing. Maybe it was, “Remember what happened to Tony Bernazard?,”, whom Minaya threw under the bus July 27, in order to save his own job.

Back to Josh Alper:
That's the bed the Mets have made and now they've got to sleep in it. That task will be all the harder thanks to the constant divisional reminders of how far off the rails things have gotten in Queens. Every other team in the NL East has built toward this season with a stronger sense of purpose than the Mets and those team's best-case scenarios all take fewer leaps of faith than the one that features the Mets making the playoffs with an Opening Day cleanup hitter who wasn't a sure bet to make the roster a week ago.

That lack of purpose is spelled “O-m-a-r M-i-n-a-y-a.” And yet, New York’s shamelessly Hispandering MSM has decided to bail out Minaya. Using as a pretext the flashes of talent some Mets farmhands showed in spring training, local sports writers and news readers have pardoned Minaya for his years-long mishandling of the team’s farm system, put Mets skipper Jerry Manuel on the hot seat, and fully expect—and evidently want—him to take the fall for Minaya.
An Appeal to Everyone Who Has Always been Proud to be an American
By Nicholas Stix
I was just sitting down to revise and finally publish a fundraising letter on my own behalf, when I got an e-mail with the subject line, “PERSONAL AND CONFIDENTIAL.” Spam, right? Phishing? But it said that it was from Peter Brimelow, of all people. Had some phisher gotten into Peter’s address book? Sadly, no. It was from Peter, and the news was bad.
I’ll spare you the particulars, but the message was that one of VDARE’s biggest sponsors had just cut its funding, after it had repeatedly promised that the money was on the way. And the reason was not fiscal problems, but pure treachery and wickedness. (I’m going to hold off on reporting on the particulars, until I get a chance to talk to Peter.)
After Steve Sailer’s Sunday column runs, the site will be limited to a crisis appeal, until we can raise enough money to go on. Thus I am imploring you, if you have sufficient income, to go to this page, and give whatever you can! is sponsored by the VDARE Foundation, a 501(c)(3) organization, so that your donation is tax-deductible.
So as not to give the impression that I am doing this entirely out of altruism, Peter is sitting on a blockbuster, 6,700-word manuscript of mine on the wave of campus hate crime hoaxes that hit colleges in six states, but most dramatically in California, particularly at UC San Diego. I spent over five weeks on the project, researching, chasing after people on the telephone, and working over the draft more than 200 times. But that’s what big-time journalism requires. Thus, if you make a donation, please let Peter know that you want to see my race hoax article in print, pronto. (Having studied so many racist black extortionists, their methods are beginning to rub off on me!)
I’ve already made the best arguments I know of as to why you should support VDARE in previous fundraising letters, and over the next few days, I am going run a marathon of them, but I am going to slightly revise some of those arguments here.
Sometime during the past year, an otherwise brilliant writer and patriot criticized my fundraising campaign for VDARE, arguing that people should instead give to patriotic immigration reform Group X.
Folks, if we’re down to choosing to support one patriotic group alone, in a zero-sum game, the country’s finished. There is no way that one lonely group can carry the ball to the finish line. It would get gang-tackled long before reaching the goal line.
Saving America requires not fewer patriotic groups, but many more of them. But at the moment, I’m concerned with saving VDARE.
This man

just succeeded in ramming through the health care bill which, if it cannot be stopped at some level (the courts, civil disobedience, etc.) may ultimately prove to be the most economically destructive piece of legislation in American history. It will destroy the health-care industry, take what’s left of America’s economy down with it, and cause chaos.
He did it, because he is a devotee of BLT. Not bacon, lettuce, and tomato sandwiches, but Black Liberation Theology, whose founder and chief propagandist, James H. Cone (whose follower Jeremiah Wright is), teaches that
“Black theology will accept only a love of God which participates in the destruction of the white enemy.”
We’re in Mugabe territory here, folks.
As such, he seeks to rob whites of all of their assets—whether through ruinous taxation or deliberately induced inflation—and then kill them all.
Some people will say that I am hysterical and paranoid. But I am not the one who sat in the pews for over 20 years, listening to genocidal Jeremiah Wright rant and rave about white people; saying, among other things, that white doctors had injected black men with the AIDS virus; saying of the world’s most generous racial group, “White folks’ greed runs a world in need”; who had Wright marry him and his bride; christen his children; who subjected his children to years of such child abuse; and who donated tens of thousands of dollars to Wright. Who, then, is being hysterical and paranoid? And who is sleepwalking toward his own destruction?
To see what the John Doe calling himself “Barack Obama” has in store for whites, just look to South Africa and Zimbabwe.
“Obama” has no intention of ever voluntarily relinquishing power. He foresees his wife and children inheriting his dictatorship.
“Obama” is already planning on taking over the Internet, and arresting his critics for engaging in constitutionally-protected speech, which his bumbling, constitutionally illiterate attorney general, Eric Holder, defines as “hate speech,” amnesty up to 30 million illegals, and invite and airlift in scores of millions more of the world’s most dysfunctional peoples.
In February, terrorists succeeded, with Holder’s blessing, in using death threats against hotel personnel, to shut down the American Renaissance conference.
“Obama’s” operatives’ most recent success was the “racist Tea Partiers” media hoax.
If VDARE dies, that will be yet one more victory for “Obama,” giving him that much more momentum, and leaving patriots that much more discouraged, disorganized, lacking in necessary intelligence, their voice that much weaker.
And today brought such good news! My VDARE colleague, Joe Guzzardi reported, “Mohawk Industries Settles RICO Illegal Aliens Class Action, Must Pay $18 Million to American Workers!”
Please give to VDARE, and send this letter to everyone on your mailing list. I thank you, and your posterity will, too.