Saturday, February 04, 2017
— Rusty Sheckelford (@FredAGunter) May 13, 2016
In any event, campus people were among the rioters, including at least one campus employee.Using speech to silence marginalized communities and promote bigotry is unacceptable. Hate speech isn't welcome in our community.
— Jesse Arreguin (@JesseArreguin) February 2, 2017
Hey @AnaKasparian I live in Europe Whole ocean between me and @UCBerkeley Yet somehow I'm better at YOUR job than you 👏 Let me explain 1/
— Pave Darker☻☹☻ (@PaveDarker) February 3, 2017
@AnaKasparian @UCBerkeley I was asleep while all this was going on. Woke up to it, heard what this guy had done & decided to investigate
@AnaKasparian @UCBerkeley I was asleep while all this was going on. Woke up to it, heard what this guy had done & decided to investigate 2/
— Pave Darker☻☹☻ (@PaveDarker) February 3, 2017A quick search of facebook under his twitter handle leads you hear giving both his location and much more 3/ — Pave Darker☻☹☻ (@PaveDarker) February 3, 2017@AnaKasparian @UCBerkeley A quick search of facebook under his twitter handle leads you hear giving both his location and much more 3/
— Pave Darker☻☹☻ (@PaveDarker) February 3, 2017
@AnaKasparian @UCBerkeley On this page you will find this information. Kinda looks like he's employed by the university to me... 5/
— Pave Darker☻☹☻ (@PaveDarker) February 3, 2017